Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 – Unit 8

Soạn bài online – Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 – Unit 8



IA. Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differ­ently from the others.
1.A. famous           B. nervous                     C. dangerous            D. mountain
2.A. town               B. cow                            C. snow                  D. brown
3.A. spread            B. disease                      C. health                   D. pleasure
4.A. flood               B. good                         C. foot                      D. look
5.A. crop                B. export                       C. shortage               D. resort
IB. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
1.A. community    B. villagers                 C. diseases                D. important
2.A. electricity      B. instead                   C. decided                D. enclose
3.A. shortage         B. product                  C. technology           D. manage
4.A. resurface        B. knowledge             C. technical              D. export
5.A. suburb            B. entertainment         C. medical               D.atmosphere
II. Choose the one word or phrase – A,B, C or D – that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.
1.The recent heavy rains have helped to ease the water __________.
       A. supply                  B.poverty                    C. plenty             D. shortage
2.I wanted to work somewhere where I could serve the __________.
       A. village                  B. community              C.town             D. country
3.They tried to find a way of bettering their lives.
       A. moving                 B.changing                  C. achieving     D. improving
4.He came in tired and hungry and badly __________ need of a bath.
       A. for                         B.to                              C. on                D. in
5.Last year we had a bumper crop of strawberries.
       A. large crop            B. poor crop                C.early crop     D. record crop
6.I don’t like quizzes because my general __________ is so poor.
       A. appearance          B. memory                   C.knowledge     D. thinking
7.The house had been __________ three apartments.
       A. turned in              B. put in                       C.pulled down   D. turned into
8.I’ll speak to her as soon as she comes out of the meeting.
       A. goes to                  B. appears                    C.leaves         D. attends
9.Most of the roads in the city have been __________ recently.
       A. replaced               B. resurfaced              C.removed        D. returned
10.Is all this technology making our __________ simpler?
       A. life                        B.life’s                        C. livings           D. lives
III A. Choose the one word or phrase – A, B, C or D – that best completes the sentence.
1.My mother and I are really looking forward __________ you again.
       A. to see                     B.seeing                     C. to seeing      D. if we can see
2.I’ll look after the children while you __________ dinner.
       A. make                      B.are making             C. will be making    D. made
3. ‘It’s really raining.’ `Yes. If the weather __________ we’ll have to camp somewhere else.’
       A.would get worse   B. might get worse    C. get worse             D. should get worse
4.I’m going away for a few days. __________ back I’ll phone you.
       A. when I get              B. while I’m getting
C. if I get               D. since .I get
5.__________ soon, I’m not going to wait.
       A. When they don’t come                             B. If they don’t come
       C. If they won’t come                                    D. When they’ll come
6.’Please don’t leave your boots in the hall.’       My mother is always telling me __________
       A. not to leave my boots in the hall.           B. don’t leave my boots in the hall.
       C. not to leave your boots in the hall.        D. not leave my boots in the hall
7.About 120 people _________ with the virus of bird flu since it _________ in Asia in 2003.
       A. have infected/ spread                              B. were infected/has spread
       C. have been infected/ spread                     D. have been infected/ was spread .
8.  ‘Did you meet Ann here at the university?’       ‘No, we __________ when I started college.’
       A. have already met                                      B. had already met
       C. had already been met                               D. had already meet
9.If it __________ very hard, the streets flood.
       A. rains                       B.will rain                 C. is raining      D. would rain
10.I notified the bank that I __________ my address.
       A. was changing        B. have changed        C.had changed    D. change
11.We’ll be late unless we __________ now.
       A. leave                       B.don’t leave              C. had left         D. have left
12.’Did you tell Carol where __________ us this evening?’ ‘Yes, I did.’
       A. should she meet   B. she to meet            C. she meets      D. to meet
13.When we. were children we __________ skating every winter.
       A. had gone                B. are used to going   C. would go      D. were going
14.This technology is useless if you __________ to operate it.
       A. don’t train              B. won’t train              C. haven’t trained    D. aren’t trained
15.’How many people are there in your family?’
     The interviewer asked me __________
A. how many people there were in your family.
B. how many people were there in my family.
C. how many people were there in your family.
D.how many people there were in my family.


III B. Identify the one underlined word or phrase – A, B, C or D – that must be changed for the sentence to be correct.

1. If I have to fly, I would get very nervous, so I usually drive.
     A              B         C                                              D
2. Two days ago, the weather forecaster warned us that a tornado is coming.
                                                                A      B   C                         D
3. I asked Sean how to pronounce his name?
         A                B           C                D
4. They used to live in Chester for three years, didn’t they?
                  A         B              C                       D
5. At the interview they asked me when can you start work.
     A                              B                    C           D
6. If I will have to make a difficult decision, I always discuss it with my friends.
    A      B                                    C                           D
7. Unless we work harder, we will finish on time.
               A              B           C     D
8. Sandy called from Miami during the storm and said she was swimming  here
                  A                                                      B                 C               D
9. She wanted to know whether I have seen Paul recently.
                 A                    B              C                     D
10. The house was enough comfortable but not luxurious.
         A                         B                           C        D
IV. Choose the correct answer – A, B, C,or D.
Last week I made the mistake of visiting the village where I grew up. It was a small, friendly community with two farms and a number of old cottages round the village green. I realized very quickly that although in many ways it appears unchanged, in reality hardly anything is the same. All the pretty cot­tages are there, of course, and both the picturesque farmhouses. But none of the inhabitants are country people. All of them are commuters, who leave early every morning for the nearby town. Neither of the farmhouses is attached to a farm these days; the land has been sold and is managed by somebody in an office somewhere who has little interest in the village itself There are a few new houses, but they have no local character; you can see the same style anywhere
in the country. The whole of the village, in fact, has been tidied up so much that it has become nothing more than just another suburb.
1. The writer_______________
       A. like living in a farmhouse.                     B. used to live in a cottage.
       C. grew up in a small rural community.     D. came back from the village.
2.When he revisited his village, he quickly realized that __________.
A. the village changed a lot in appearance.
B. everything has almost changed
C. all the pretty cottages as well as the farmhouses have been rebuilt.
D. the residents of the village are all commuters.
3. Neither of the farmhouses___________________
       A. has a connection with a farm.                   B. has been sold.
       C. is attached to the farmers.                         D.is managed by the commuters.
4. According to the writer,______________
A. the village now has no local character.    B. all the new houses are the same style.
C. the village is more tidy than it used to.    D. the village has become nothing but a suburb.
5. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?
A. The writer has visited the village several times before.
B. The writer revisited his village last week.
C. The village has undergone significant changes.
D. The village nowadays has become another suburb.
V.Choose the one option – A, B, C or D – that best completes the passage.
 The world is divided(1) ……. two main parts: one part is poor and the (2)………. is rich. The poor countries (3)………. ‘the developing countries’. The big problem that they have to (4)…………. is lack of food and medical care. A lot of people do not have (5) ………. food to eat and medicine to cure illnesses. In some parts, children are (6)…………..starving. The land of those countries is (7)     ………… cultivate anything on. They do not know (8)………………….. new farming Methods as well as inventions and discoveries of science and technology.(9) ……………, they do not have enough money to do it. They certainly need help  from (10)…………countries.
1 . A. into                  B.to                    C. in                      D. from
2. A. another            B.other              C. others                D. one
3. A. call                    B.have called     C. called               D. are called
4. A. meet                 B.discuss            C. encounter         D. do
5. A. very                  B.too                 C. many                   D. enough
6. A. even                  B.also                 C. such                  D. all
7. A. poor enough to      B. so poor as to    C. enough poor to    D. too poor to
8. A. applying           B.to apply          C. how to apply      D. how applying
9. A. However          B.Moreover       C. Therefore            D. As a result
10. A. rich                 B.the rich          C. another rich        D. a rich